Nova's puppy blog


Wednesday 27 April 2011

What's new

Hi again everybody! Every day brings a new experience for me, and I've started to train my family on my daily routine. I'm learning to walk alongside mum on her mobility scooter. I'm still getting used to following along, but I love to run any way I can!

I've visited my vet three times so far, he and his staff are great people, they give me lots of love and belly rubs. I don't even mind when he sticks that needle in my back! At every visit, I have to be weighed, which I hate! Don't they know a girl is sensitive about others knowing her weight?! Anyhoo, in case it is of any interest to anyone, my progress is listed below.

17/02/2011   18.90 lbs
19/03/2011   30.50 lbs
16/04/2011   41.30 lbs.
As you can see, I am beginning to live up to my status as a giant!

I enjoy 1 cup of Holistic Select Large/Giant Breed Puppy Food, the Lamb formula, 4 times a day (I prefer the chicken, but it hasn't been available lately). It's really good if anyone out there is looking for an excellent food choice for their giant breed, I highly recommend it! I prefer to dine alone, and in peace, but that is hardly ever possible! Someone's always sticking a camera in my face! Even a diva needs some privacy once in a while!

On my next post I will tell you about our trips to all the schools in the area. I like Campaign Dog Academy, it's a 40 minute drive, but they are the only ones that offer weekend classes. I really like the dog park at Doggie Central, where I met a big Shiloh sister (she looks just like me!). They have many play groups, and one just for giants.

Take care, and come back soon for another visit! I'll be right here waiting for you!

If I doze off, wake me when you get here.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Things I like!

Hi again! Thanx for coming back! I've gotten a little bit bigger since the last post. I'm a whopping 34 lbs.!
I thought I would share a few of the things I like to do most! Like chew on water bottles...
Get belly rubs! Ooooooo!

It's always nice to catch a few winks....when you can!

Sorry folks! Gotta go, it's time for my late afternoon kibble break, and Mummy says it's rude to talk with your mouth full! See ya' next time.