Nova's puppy blog


Tuesday 2 August 2011

Enjoying summer!

Hi all! I know it's been quite a while since the last post, but a puppy's life is hectic!
I've been out exploring the world, and experiencing new sights and sounds!

I recently went on my very first camping trip. Getting ready was really exiting for me, as I didn't have a clue what to expect.
It was a beautiful place, with lots of new smells...ANIMAL SMELLS! There was a three legged bear prowling around the very first night! There was only one problem, I had to be tethered to a tree most of the time! Shilohs HATE to be tied up! We're free spirits at heart!
The other thing is, we have to stay outside the whole time, and there's no air conditioning! He keeps saying: "trust me girl, your gonna love it!"
Ok daddy, if you say so.
ok, I see what you mean!

Who needs air conditioning!
You're right daddy,
what's not to love?
By the way, I am now 26" tall and weigh 73 lbs.
I will be 9 months old on August 16th.